River Maid

I recently visited the spot where I first heard about Jamaica’s fresh water mermaid, in 2016. I’d just arrived in Roaring River, Westmorland, and was planning to base myself there for a couple of months. Bobo and his best friend Dexter had taken me to see the different natural springs and it was here that they introduced me to the folklore of the River Maid.

The three of us sat at this river on my first day in Jamaica staring into the water. Bobo and Dexter silently crushed weed into their palms. Then Dexter turned to me, ‘you believe in mermaids?’ He asked. An image of Ariel popped into my head and a silent chuckle began to build up inside me. Without shifting my gaze I nodded enthusiastically, waiting for the punchline of the joke. ‘Good’ he said. I lifted my eyes, trying hard to keep a straight face, and looked him in the eye. His face was dead serious. I stopped and quickly swallowed my smirk. Hoping he’d go on and tell me more…. he did.

Dexter isn’t with us anymore, (which is a story for another time). So now when I return to Roaring River it’s just Bobo and I who sit by the river. On this visit we talked a lot about Dexter. I told him ever memory I had of him. We laughed hard remember how ridiculous he was and then we cried. I told him that one day I’ll make a film about that time, to really honour Dexter, ‘like a proper film.’ Bobo grinned at me. ‘Yesss, you have to!’

I will.