
At the back of Constant Spring Arcade in Halfway Tree, there is a little record shop run by Morton. His main customers are Japanese tourists looking for Jamaican 60's records. He used to sell crafts but now has gone into the record business. Vinyls are stacked ceiling high in boxes and crates which fill his shopfront. Morton told me he doesn't organise or categories the records as it wouldn't be fair. One person might want to buy all of them and leave nothing for someone else.

I love this concept. It's such a different logic. Perhaps Morton genuinely wants his customers to all have a fair go at finding a hidden treasure or maybe he thinks the longer they have to stay and search the more they might buy… Or it could be that he just can't be bothered sorting them… Whatever the reason, this idea made me stop and smile. It’s so different from the usual ‘buy, buy, buy, sell, sell, sell’ of conventional capitalism that I’m used to.

As I was leaving Morton gifted me a record and thanked ME for my time. Again this made me stop. I was the one asking him for the favour and for his time. I thanked him and told him I didn't have a record player but he insisted I take it anyway. I his this Morton with a new perspective and warm feeling of gratitude.